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A new Spirit offering for a new era


Hello and warm greetings Everyone ~

Thank you so much for visiting this new space ... I truly hope this finds you as well as possible ...

This new blog offering has been a long time coming in my world ... I've always really enjoyed sharing inspirational stories about my Nature, Spirit and Healing adventures but found over the years that the faster channels in the social media realm like Instagram and Facebook just weren't the right fit for them. I knew that some day I would sit down and get to it ... and I also knew at some point I'd find the right format. And well ... that some day turned into today and without too much effort or planning, I knew that this morning was the morning that this blog would be born. To make things easy, I decided to add the blog to my existing website, something that may change in the future... For now, this is just the easiest and most straightforward way for me to share. I hope that somehow, these stories can nourish you.

As I sit here this morning, watching the Sun rise and listening to all the birds sing their morning songs in Santa Barbara where I live, I am reminded that today is the morning of the Spring Equinox, a most powerful day in the year when many great shifts are able to take place and take root in our lives for the long haul. It is Nature's time to receive new seeds in her ground with love and intention. And it is our time to make good use of these early stirrings of Spring.

Right now, in March 2020 and as we watch the very fabric of our world change right before our eyes with the Covid-19 Virus making its way around the world, some of us in the healing realms have been feeling stong calls to share more and become more visible with our gifts and our work in the world. To me it almost feels like we are really being pushed and pulled by this virus to step forward in Healing Service to the planet. I am one of the ones feeling this call strongly and so I open this new medicinal space to you in the hopes that it will bring you all some joy and beauty and most of all healing energy to help you navigate the rocky roads and new landscapes we all find ourselves in at this time.

Time is truly of the essence at this moment and we all need all the medicinal offerings on the table, so to speak, so that everyone can find what they need. This blog is and will be one of those medicinal offerings called in by Spirit and I'm grateful to be able to offer it here. Thank you so much for joining me in this new experience.

As some of you know, my life journey has taken me through fields of professional home design and interiors as well as deep journeys into spiritual practice and energy healing. My particular focus has been on creating beautiful healing environments and objects as well as a lot of spiritual work in the form of energy healing for people, spaces and the land as well as myself. My soul energy is one of an artist/designer, a mystic and a healer/ceremonialist and I live life as soulfully, simply and creatively as I can. Living a peaceful yet fulfilled life is one of my greatest desires and it is something I have learned a lot about from the various creative pathways and spritual traditions I have been honored to learn from and be initiated into over the years.

It is my genuine hope is that this will be a space and repository of magical and inspiring stories of what can happen when we really and truly open up and co-create with the Spirit realm. I promise you that these stories will always be true as lived and experienced by me and I hope that the Spirit medicine that comes through them will give you the same magical and mystical inspiration, empowerment, wisdom, healing and joy as it has given me in my life.

May these stories and the medicine within them serve you well, help you connect to Nature and help you walk in Beauty and Peace.

With much much Love always oxo

Eefje ~ Materia Lumina



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